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… is worth two in the sky…
A BIRD IN HAND, (AKA ‘BRIAN’ to his friends) was created as a prototype for THE SPRINGBURN HENS, to demonstrate to the clients what ‘birds made of handprints’ might look like. The hand prints used to create BRIAN were my own, our lovely neighbours the Watts family, and a little girl called Ayesha who used to visit the studio regularly when she was living in Lambourn.
For this ‘test’ piece, I employed the ancient sculptor’s technique of increasing the size in proportion to how far away the work was from the viewer, which meant that BRIAN became the size of a small buzzard.
What I didn’t realise until I made a 4 meter high drawing on the side of the Muse … was that BRIAN was too big … at whatever height he was displayed! With this I felt I had discovered that it is probably deeply primal for humans to understand what kind of bird is up there in the sky … how big it is and whether it is a predator or prey.
As a result, for the SPRINGBURN HENS, the eighteen white birds that took flight up the side of the Marie Curie Cancer Care Hospice at Springburn were made ‘dove sized’. My vision for this sculpture is that it should reflect the ‘hands on’ approach practiced by the dedicated staff at the Glasgow hospice, as well as to embed the piece in its own community, I understand it has found some measure of success.
However, it is my wish that A BIRD IN HAND should find a good home with someone who understands his nature …
The BIRD IN HAND is currently on show in the GALLERY of FARLEYS FARM HOUSE & GALLERY https://www.farleyshouseandgallery.co.uk/farleys-sculpture-garden/
Muddles Green
+44 (0)1825 872856
Location: Indoor/Outdoor
Size: Medium
Dimensions: 43cm L x 80m W x 10cm D
Medium: Bronze - cast in the Artist's studio
Edition size: UNIQUE
Collection: Artist's Collection
Works in this period (2007 - 2013):
Other Bronze works:
Other Fauna work: