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NURTURE NATURE is a small tree or bush, growing precariously on the top of a large Sarsen Stone. The piece is leafy and attractive in itself ... if a little puzzling. However, on reflection it also takes the form of a fulsome mother nursing her child, almost reminiscent of 'Ma Larkin' from the Darling Buds of May.
The full size piece would be 2 meters high, a substantial bronze mounted on a large Sarsen stone. Patinated with rich greens, reds, and ochres; light will pierce the gaps in the leaves. When you peer into the centre of the sculpture, you may glimpse a wooded glade.
NURTURE NATURE is a gentle way of engaging our busy, distracted thoughts and returning them to an awareness of our position in life, both personally and from the perspective of our relationship to this delicate planet.
The roots of NURTURE NATURE grip the stone with determination, but display a sense of dignity. Is she clinging on, or is it clear that nothing would shift her confidence? Her position may not be ideal, but she will continue with determination despite.
The little tree is round and rooted to the earth. It makes reference to primitive earth-mother symbols, but it is also ethereal and light. It is a poetic metaphor for our time and carries hope in the filigree leaves and fine branches.
Location: Indoor/Outdoor
Size: Small
Dimensions: Approx: 37cm x 17cm x 12cm
Medium: Bronze Maquette : A/C
Edition size: Part of a Series
Collection: Artist's Collection
Works in this period (2005 - 2011):
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