The rooks, birds that are so evocative, and the pylons are so beautiful - they make an enigmatic mix.
These pylons are relics of years gone by, and like our perception of other contemporary architecture, the older examples seem to have softened into the landscape.
Almost anywhere you look in this country we can see the affects of man's intervention. Even the 'wilds' of the Scottish Highlands are a result of over-stocking of Deer - the Glens were once dense woodland.
I believe this intervention can be poignant, and remind us to remain sensitive to our environment. We don't necessarily have to deny our presence or become prejudiced against one intervention over another, such as pylons versus or wind farms. They are in fact signposts of how we live, sometimes every bit as important in their own way as the beloved cottages and hedgerows.
Location: Indoor
Size: Large
Dimensions: Approx 90 cm x 120 cm
Medium: Pastel Painting on Cardboard
Edition size: UNIQUE
Collection: Private Collection
Works in this period (1996 - 2002):
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